Yoga Aktuell 112 - 05/2018

SKU: 100212

Yoga and meditation for autumn - with lots of practice!


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A path to heart opening
Our cover model Ranja Weis answered some questions for us - and put together a little yin yoga practice for you.

Asana: Strength & Grace Yoga
Part II: Hips, knees and lower back - alternative alignments with Barbra Noh.

Learn to meditate, step by step
Get into meditation practice with guidance from Anna Trökes - episode 2: How to learn to flow with the momentum of the mind.

Understand pranayama better
Why is the dirgha approach (a few long breaths) to pranayama predominant in the West, rather than sukshma pranayama (many short breaths)? Which approach is really more suitable? By Ansgar Schoeberl.

Express Yoga

Recharge your battery! Katharina Middendorf presents a well-portioned yoga programme that will quickly get your batteries back into the "green zone".

Asana: Healing Practice according to Krishnamacharya, Part 2: Backbends
Preparation and introduction to Shalabhasana followed by balancing, led by Stephanie Schönberger.

Five types of meditation
What are the different types of meditation and what do they do? A closer look at the rich spectrum of what we call meditation. By Florian Palzinsky.

Food for the soul
Hugs give comfort, calm and stimulate the release of happy hormones Hormones. An encouragement to healing touch. By Tobias Frank.

The "nine nights" of Devi, celebrated every year in autumn, are among the most important spiritual celebrations in India. From Srila Devi.

Yoga and pleasure - in Shiva's footsteps
Shiva lives for us in the myths eroticism and enjoyment as well as asceticism. But how can we enjoy without losing our inner balance? inner balance? By Nancy Krüger.

Spirituality in the workplace
Negative thoughts often have a firm grip on us in our everyday working life, leading to lead to tension and conflicts with colleagues. Why it is worthwhile is worthwhile to develop more awareness of these mechanisms. By Dirk Hessel.

Back to the land
Roland Jensch and Liz Huntly left their lives as yoga scene stars behind and went "back to the roots" and went "back to the roots". This brought them into contact with essential Dimensions of yoga that are revealed to them daily through the natural Revealed to them anew every day through the natural cycles of life.

Learning to feel again
The path of transformation with Buddhist psychology and meditation leads from the level of the mind directly into feeling. By Simone Klatt.

Turn off... even if only for a few breaths
Quieting the mind is a goal in yoga. But this has become easier
said than done, for many people's ability to gather their inner selves is waning. By Doris Iding.

Swami Sivananda: How to develop virtues and overcome vices
Part 1: Worry - How to overcome fears and worrisome thoughts and enter into and look confidently into life. By Tanja Zieger.

The Upanishads... and the Koshas
Episode 3: Pranayamaya-Kosha, the sheath consisting of vital energy, and its structural elements. By Dr Ralph Skuban.

Sadhvis in portrait: Nani Ma
"Be passionate about God and let go of everything else": The Sadhvi Nani Ma consistently followed the path of sadhana and meditation and renounced all worldly comforts. Interview: Srila Devi.

The diet of the 100-year-old
Inspirations from the diet of the world's oldest people. By Daniela Wolff.

Hemp - the forbidden medicinal plant
About the three dimensions of hemp use, the plant's far-reaching Healing potential of the plant and the spiritual aspects of hemp, which are which, among other things, are honoured at the Indian Holi festival. By Joe Romanski.

Apple time
Whether health, culinary or mythological - apples are a real treasure in every respect. By Irene Dalichow.

How we learn to be enough
The much described yoga teacher training: You think it's about yoga. And
it is. But before we get to teach, we get the chance to heal ourselves. By Ines Bresler.

Experience report
Majorca: Hiking & Well-Being
The Balearic island is an El Dorado for all those who enjoy full-bodied wines,
picturesque bays and soothing yoga sequences, and offers Ayurvedic cures as well as plenty of yoga. By Doris Iding.

Off the Mat
Empowerment through self-exploration
In many development projects in India, which are supported by the German ANDHERI
HILFE, yoga is an integral part. By Janine Schneider.

Sustainability projects
This time: - Cradle-to-Cradle: doing what others talk about. By Doris Iding.

Power & Self-Determination
Out of powerlessness, into self-determination: about personal power and its forms of expression. By Iris Disse.

Getting closer to one's own truth
YOGA AKTUELL spoke with the internationally sought-after yoga teacher and
Yoga book author Erica Jago. Interview: Jeanette Fuchs.

Dates, trends and news
The latest from the yoga world. By Nina Haisken.

  • hersteller: YOGA
  • Gewicht: 0.36 kg

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