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Product number: 119771

The Yoga Aktuell special about the yoga of love. Including free booklet with verses by Rumi!

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The only Truth
The Love is an indomitable bird. Don't try to capture it ... Fly with with it! By Nina Haisken.

In love with God
At the Spirituality dwells Eros: the erotic devotion to the sacred that once moved to the sacred that once moved ancient Greece, as the religious identity of the Identity of the Occident. By Christoph Quarch.

Love & Mysticism in the Orient
The Mysticism of love in the light of the rising sun: the verses of poetic mystics such as Rumi, Saadi, Hafiz and Attar are imbued with the sweet pain of longing Longing. By Nina Haisken.

Eternal love as an Gift to the divine
How the tantric perception of existence transforms our understanding of love in a mystical way and how Shakti Transforms our understanding of love and how shakti sadhana and bhakti yoga open new dimensions of participating in celestial love. By Yogini Shambhavi.

Amma - selfless love in person
About the Indian saint Mata Amritanandamayi, who is known worldwide for her compassion and unconditional love and for her unconditional love towards all people. From Doris Iding.

Christ's Love
Healing for a wounded world: How we become who we really are through our relationship with God in truth - on the three dimensions of Christ-love. By Giannina Wedde.

The Mystery of the Little Death
The little death is inseparably linked with the realised presence of divine LOVE. Whoever wants to experience this, must have his head cut off by the prince LOVE. From OM C. Parkin.

Bhakti-Yoga for every Day
The traditional texts of bhakti yoga teach us how to cultivate love and devotion in everything we do cultivate love and devotion in everything we do - even in the midst of our daily lives. From Julia Johannsen.

God and Goddess
The Meaning of the play between Krishna and the Gopis, and why Radha's love for Krishna is the shining example of the supreme love of God that we all long for is. By Ronald Engert.

The Voice of Love
Snatam Kaur enchants people all over the world with her voice and leads them directly into the heart with sacred chants Chants directly into the heart. We spoke to the US singer about her path to self-love Self-love, about the magic of mantras and about the power of community. Interview: Janine Schneider.

Couple interview Satyaa & Pari
The well-known kirtan duo and couple spoke with YOGA AKTUEL about closeness and Distance, about the courage to have a good argument and the essential importance of self-responsibility. Interview: Doris Iding.

Revolution! Love as the answer to hate
Only the light can illuminate the darkness, knew outstanding revolutionaries of history who resolutely countered xenophobia, rejection and violence with love. It soothes, heals and unites; love never fails. By Janine Schneider.

About love
Is is there anything that people talk, sing or write about more than love? love? Has anything ever moved us more than this perennial theme of the heart? Can love be captured in the language of yoga? By Dr Ralph Skuban.

Meditative Metta thoughts
A Journey through the different dimensions of loving-kindness: discover metta through a more a more conscious awareness of the elements of your existence. By Florian Palzinsky.

The spiritual Heart
The seat of the self: The spiritual self is the place where we experience the nourishing power of life and feel our participation in the All-One. From Anna Trökes.

Opening the Heart with Yin Yoga
Letting go of resistance on the body level - and especially in the heart space - is the aim of this yin yoga is the aim of this Yin Yoga sequence by and with Helga Baumgartner Baumgartner.

The way to self-love
To be able to love ourselves as we are, we must first really get to know ourselves get to know ourselves. Yoga can support us effectively in this. By Melanie Müller.

Crack open
"How love came into my life" - a personal story, which is representative of the way many people find their way to self-love. By Sandra von Zabiensky.

The love of teaching
Elena Brower and Rod Stryker tell us in this interview how they lead their students into the heart and what inspires them for their teaching and what inspires them to teach. Interview: Janine Schneider.

All love?
Is it possible to feel only love, to experience no more negative feelings and to and to see only the good? By Doris Iding

Bhagwan - a sexual revolutionary
Osho and free love: sexual freedom as a path of transformation and growth - Memories from Poona. By Doris Iding.

Loving the space learning
A Conversation with Daniel Odier, master of Tantric Shivaism, about love, relationships and sex and sex, and about the role that desire, honesty and creativity play. Interview: Julia Johannsen.

The Dark Side of love
How becoming aware of the kleshas, identified in yoga philosophy as tendencies that cause suffering, help us in painful relationship situations. By Doris Iding.

Couple interview: Bhajan Noam and Aditi Stefanie Metzler
Truthfulness and authenticity - two aspects that emerge in the interview with Bhajan Noam and Aditi Stefanie Metzler as the cornerstones of a happy relationship crystallise out. Interview: Doris Iding.

Tantra, Sex and cosmic consciousness
On the stages of development in sex, its significance in the human process of becoming and the important role of fantasy and the important role of fantasy. By Bhajan Noam.

Scenes of a Love - an exploratory journey
Ecstasies experience ecstasies, endure crises, forgive, reinvent the relationship - all this belongs of a true love story. Of the ever new blossoming of a great Love. By Iris Disse.

Ayurveda and the Secret of Fulfilled Love Relationships
Our Love life is strongly influenced by the individual constitution. How we kerstin Rosenberg reveals how we can love according to type and (re)ignite the romantic fire Rosenberg.

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Michael writes:
Yoga aktuell also skilfully manages to take another look at what is culturally and spiritually unique to us in Western Europe and to understand our heritage holistically.
Friedhart writes:
Hello everyone,
i have had Yoga aktuell for many years. For me it is like a reference book that I can read again and again.I started with yoga in the 90's.Through Yoga Aktuell I always get new impulses that enrich my life.
Greetings Friedhart
Christiane writes:
The new special is nice, but somehow I had expected more. More practical, practicable tips for exercise series on the topic of "love" than purely editorial articles lined up one after the other. I didn't find that balanced.
But basically I read every Yoga aktuell and special issue and like both very much! Thank you!
Andrea writes:
I have been subscribing to Yoga aktuell for 2 years now and I have also ordered all the special issues.
Every single issue is great and has helped me many times. I have already got rid of some complaints with asanas, without a doctor???? and I think that's just great. Every single report is worth reading and of interest to me.
Keep up the good work.
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