Organic coriander (whole), 50 g

Product number: 119999

Coriander, whole.

  inkl. 7% VAT.
81,67 €/kg
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Coriander has the taste (rasa) bitter, pungent. Coriander is said to balance all three doshas, especially pitta. According to Ayurvedic understanding, it has a strengthening, balancing quality for the whole body. It is said to promote agnis (digestive fire) without increasing pitta.

Note: The descriptions and effects of the herbs and extracts from ancient Ayurvedic traditions and Indian folk medicine Folk medicine.

Coriander*, whole. * from controlled organic cultivation
Coriander goes well with curry dishes, chutneys, dhals, bread. Coriander is an ingredient in many spice blends such as curry or garam masala.
Organic label, non-EU agriculture
Control point
Sales description under food law
Coriander, whole.
Classic Ayurveda
0.065 kg
4,20 € *
inkl. 7% VAT
84,00 €/kg
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