Yoga Aktuell 123 - 04/2020

SKU: 100223

YOGA AKTUELL August/September has it all: summer joy and lightness are expressed in this issue as well as profound reflections.


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Yoga practice

Pranayama - the heart of yoga
Part 5 of the series by Dr Ralph Skuban: From purposeful breath practice to breath stillness: Kumbhaka as the heart of pranayama - and thus the innermost heart of yoga.

Asana: Entering the space of the centre
The deeper secret of "muscular energy" in Anusara Yoga: In this asana practice with Veronika Freitag you can try out how it feels to dive into the subtle centre.

Techniques of Hatha Yoga
Part 3 of the series by Sukadev Volker Bretz: Shambhavi Mudra is considered an exercise for opening the third eye and can promote goodness and heart connections in addition to intuition and creativity.

Learn to meditate, step by step
Introduction to meditation practice with Anna Trökes, Part 6: Mental peace and relaxation - ten meditations that invite the mind to effortless abiding.

Come along on the soul journey!
Part 2 of the Kundalini series by Satya Singh: the journey through the seventh vortex - "I rest in my centre".

Hold and expanse
... or: integration through discernment - about right tension and skilful relaxation as well as the interaction of asana and pranayama practice. By Ansgar Schoeberl.

Yogatherapy: Yoga therapy for hands and arms
Part 2: Help with carpal tunnel syndrome, mouse arm and mobile thumb - recognising causes and effectively alleviating complaints with background information and exercises by Lucia Nirmala Schmidt.

Spiritual life and yoga philosophy

The conspiracy of the mind
How the mind creates the world: A yogic view on our perception - and on the nature of conspiracy theories in a larger context. By Ralf Schultz.

Human phases and mental protective factors in times of crisis
What typical reactions to upheavals are essentially common to us all, and what factors determine how much resilience individuals can activate in such times? By Florian Palzinsky.

Know nothing and think for yourself
A plea for conscious not-knowing in unclear situations and for vigilant, independent thinking. By Doris Iding.

The gold within
Alchemy - the search for the philosopher's stone and the pursuit of refinement: what for many seems to be only a pre-scientific stage of chemistry is in fact a highly interesting soul transformation path. By Nina Haisken.

Leap into a new reality
... or: What is already real? And how can we manifest a positive vision that stands wholesomely and courageously against all the many frightening facts? Iris Disse has searched for answers.

Shaking and laughing
A visit to Ratu Bagus in the spiritual heart of Indonesia - about an unusual therapy that definitely leaves an impression and apparently also often has an effect. By Yana La Fae.

Mantra initiation in the Himalayan tradition

About authentic ancient mantra practice: how the individual mantra is found and transmitted, and the meaning behind it. By Srila Devi.

Ayurveda, Nutrition & Health

Ayurveda: Help for PMS
How Premenstrual Syndrome can be alleviated with Ayurvedic methods - valuable tips on its development and treatment. By Prabha Burkhard.

A Summer in India - Recipes from the Yoga Kitchen
Whoever thinks of Indian cuisine often has heavy curries and fried food in mind. But the recipes by cookbook author Malin Mendel show that it can also be summery and light.

Soap love
Washing your hands with soap is expressly recommended as Corona protection. But solid soap is also a "clean thing" for many other reasons, because it does not contain any preservatives and is gentle on groundwater. By Irene Dalichow.

"Women, take back your power!"
Uma Dinsmore-Tuli has been supporting women on their way into their own power for many years. The yoga therapist, author, yoga nidra expert and eco-feminist has set herself a bold goal: To end abuse in the yoga scene. Interview: Janine Schneider.

The art of being alone with oneself
Meditation teacher Stephen Batchelor, a practising Buddhist for almost fifty years, on balancing quiet, conscious aloneness with being in community. Interview: Doris Iding.

Appreciation for all living things
Wolfgang Bischoff, director of the "Himalaya Institute", deals with the topic of shaping destiny. YOGA AKTUELL asked him for his assessment of recent global events in their significance for the destiny path of humanity. Interview: Nina Haisken.

More columns

Yoga & Psychology

The mode of action of Yoga-Nidra
Neurology and Meditation: How Yoga-Nidra influences brain and mind - exciting insights into the "yogic sleep". By Lisa Alix Brandau.

Back to trust
How touch helps to let go of emotional baggage - rediscover the long-missed healing power of conscious, mindful touch. By Tobias Frank.


Tips and trends
News from the yoga world. By Marita Voithofer.


Pilgrimage to Kolkata
In Kali's city: impressions of the Durga Puja, of the places where Ramakrishna once meditated, and of course of the sites of the "dark goddess", who is especially worshipped here. By Srila Devi.


CBD oil

Yoga makes you high: in combination with cannabis oil even more so! What the new trend CBD "can" do and why it has nothing to do with THC. By Anne Haack.

The animal protection side

Wild animal markets
Hunted, caged, bartered, killed - how wild animals are torn from their freedom by humans and turned into market commodities. By Nina Haisken.

  • hersteller: Yoga Verlag
  • Gewicht: 0.4 kg

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