Yoga Aktuell 78 - 01/2013

SKU: 100178

Special Dossier: Yoga & Nutrition - how eating affects our lives.


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Special Dossier: Yoga & Nutrition - how eating affects our lives. Our daily eating habits from a yogic perspective

Nutrition always raises questions: How do we eat a healthy and balanced diet and what role do ethical criteria play? In yoga, there are dietary recommendations that are meant to be beneficial for both physical and spiritual practice. What exactly do these recommendations look like? And what does Ayurvedic nutritional teaching say?

This time, our dossier is dedicated to these and many other aspects. Guest authors and interview partners include: David Frawley, Anna Trökes, Kerstin Rosenberg, Sukadev Bretz, Sharon Gannon, Patrick Broome and Tim Mälzer.

Yoga & Nutrition
Food is probably the basic human need that raises more questions than sex Sex - Interesting and controversial facts about yoga and nutrition (Introduction to the dossier). By Nina Haisken.

Nutrition in Yoga & in Ayurveda
What is sattvic nutrition? What are the differences between yogic and Ayurvedic diet, and how can you combine the two? Combine both forms of nutrition? An overview. By David Frawley.

Opinions from the yoga scene

Well-known Representatives of yoga and ayurveda about their eating habits and their views on the subject. Interviews: Doris Iding.

Yoga & Vegetarianism

Sharon Gannon is the mother of Jivamukti yoga, which she developed with her partner David Life, her partner in life. With YOGA AKTUELL she spoke about her book "Yoga and Vegetarianism", which will soon be published in German, about Ahimsa and about her attitude towards meat consumption. Interview: Doris Iding.

The (re)sensitisation of the sense of taste

Pleasurable Tasting, conscious chewing: How "chewing" can revolutionise our food intake revolutionise our food intake and increase our well-being. By Irene Schwierczek.

Forms of nutrition at a glance

A brief portrait of different forms of nutrition

Vegetarian cuisine with "oomph"
Tim Mälzer has revolutionised the TV genre of cookery shows with his refreshing and has inspired many a former kitchen muffle to start cooking inspired to cook. He has recently published a book with vegetarian recipes vegetarian recipes. In YOGA AKTUELL, the star chef talks about the enormous Potential of vegetarian cuisine and about his own feelings as an Guidance when it comes to health aspects. Interview: Doris Iding.

Who eats normally?!

Compulsivity up to eating disorders, feelings of shame because of a few pounds too many - not uncommon in the yoga scene. Doesn't that miss the point? missed the mark? By Doris Iding.

For further reading

Book tips on yogic and Ayurvedic nutrition. By Doris Iding.

  • hersteller: YOGA
  • Gewicht: 0.36 kg

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