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Discover meditation products that make meditation easier for you

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  • Augenkissen lotus dream - YOGISHOP


    Eye pillow lotus dream

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  • Akupressurmatte akupress relax lotus - YOGISHOP


    Acupressure mat akupress relax lotus

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  • Meditationskissen - rund - YOGISHOP


    Meditation cushion - round

    From €59,00
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  • Augenkissen relax - YOGISHOP


    Eye pillow relax

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  • Meditationskissen - Halbmond - YOGISHOP
    Up to 12% off


    Meditation cushion - half moon

    From €52,50
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  • Bodenstuhl faltbar - Folding Backjack - YOGISHOP

    JH - Products

    Foldable floor chair - Folding Backjack

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  • Augenkissen lakshmi's choice - YOGISHOP


    Eye pillow lakshmi's choice

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  • Yogadecke yogiblanket casual - YOGISHOP


    Yoga blanket yogiblanket casual

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  • Akupressurkissen akupress relax lotus - YOGISHOP


    Acupressure pillow acupress relax lotus

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  • Yogadecke yogiblanket harmony - YOGISHOP


    Yoga blanket yogiblanket harmony

    From €54,00
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  • Bodenstuhl - Backjack - YOGISHOP

    JH - Products

    Floor Chair - Backjack

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  • Augenkissen - Wilder Lavendel + Bio-Leinsamen - YOGISHOP


    Eye Pillow - Wild Lavender + Organic Linseed

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  • Baumwolldecke Chakra - bunt - YOGISHOP


    Cotton blanket Chakra - colorful

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  • Akupressurkissen akupress relax - YOGISHOP


    Acupressure pillow acupress relax

    From €24,90
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  • Dinkelspelz, 1 kg - YOGISHOP


    Spelt husk, 1 kg

    €5,90 €5,90/kg
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  • Augenkissen - Bergkristall - YOGISHOP


    Eye pillow - rock crystal

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  • Baumwolldecke Blume des Lebens - blau - YOGISHOP


    Cotton blanket flower of life - blue

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  • Futon/Meditationsunterlage naturweiss - 75 cm x 75 cm - YOGISHOP


    Futon/meditation mat natural white - 75 cm x 75 cm

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  • Reise-Meditationskissen halbrund - vintage - cotton - YOGISHOP


    Travel meditation cushion semi-circular - vintage - cotton

    From €39,90
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  • Meditationskissen - rund - Dhyana - organic cotton - YOGISHOP


    Meditation cushion - round - Dhyana - organic cotton

    From €52,00
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  • Augenkissen - Rose + Bio-Leinsamen - YOGISHOP


    Eye pillow - rose + organic linseed

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  • Futon/Meditationsunterlage umsäumt - 75 cm x 75 cm - YOGISHOP


    Futon/meditation mat hemmed - 75 cm x 75 cm

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  • Meditationskissen rund - organic cotton - ø 30cm x 15cm - YOGISHOP


    Meditation cushion round - organic cotton - ø 30cm x 15cm

    From €49,90
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  • Meditationskissen Darshan Neo - Flower - Rund - YOGISHOP

    Namasté – DeSign

    Meditation cushion Darshan Neo - Flower - Round

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Meditation as the essence of yoga

Meditation is, so to speak, the supreme discipline of yoga - in Patanjali's eight-limbed yoga path, as described in the Yoga Sutra, it plays an essential role, and meditation also plays an important role in the other streams of yoga.

So it goes without saying that meditation accessories are also part of the large yoga range that the YOGISHOP offers you. Discover products related to meditation that make meditating easier for you by offering you practical sitting aids or by giving you inspiration. The meditation accessories in the YOGISHOP are carefully selected and are relevant for a wide variety of types and methods of meditation.

Anyone who delves deeper into the tradition, history and philosophy of yoga will quickly discover the key role of meditation: the origins of yoga are inseparably linked to contemplation, introspection, the contemplation of the true self. What may seem strange at first glance opens up possibilities that are also reflected in the asana practice, but which can be experienced even more strongly in silence and with the help of meditation techniques that have been used for thousands of years: the stillness of thoughts, contact with one's own being and the experience of being one with everything can occur in meditation and are a rich reward for the practice of meditation.

Modern forms and styles of yoga also largely incorporate meditation and use many different meditation techniques. No matter which of the different types of meditation you are interested in or which meditation methods are used in your yoga school - the meditation equipment from the YOGISHOP can always be of help to you. This of course also applies to those types of meditation that do not come from the tradition of yoga, such as Zen.

Meditation is relaxation, but also concentration

In addition to becoming aware of and directly experiencing one's innermost being, which is the goal of yoga, meditation also serves as a way of relaxing, especially in our society, which is characterized by stress, overstimulation and overwork. At the same time, many people use meditation specifically to promote concentration. By calming down and entering a state of deep relaxation, the mind is refreshed, so to speak, and, to put it bluntly, "the batteries can be recharged", so that concentrated work is often possible afterwards.

In the Yoga Sutra, the classic basic text of yoga, concentration is listed as a precursor to deep meditation, and many meditation techniques work with concentration on a specific object, for example. Relaxation and concentration go hand in hand in meditation. Thanks to these aspects, meditation is enjoying increasing popularity in our time, as people are increasingly (re)discovering how well it meets our needs today. Meditation has therefore become a staple in society and is becoming an important anchor for more and more people.

Meditation: How to get started

Anyone who is new to meditation will find that - as already mentioned above - there are many different types of meditation, such as meditation on specific objects, meditation with concentration on the breath , mantra meditation , light meditation and much more. The great thing about this variety of meditation is that there is a suitable method for everyone. So if you can't get on with a chosen form, you shouldn't give up straight away, but keep looking around, because the wealth of meditation has so much more to offer.

You can find a large selection of guided meditations and instructions for popular meditation techniques in the YOGISHOP CD range. The exercise DVDs, which are also available in the "Knowledge & Music" section, often contain meditation instructions as part of the yoga class. No matter which type of meditation suits you best and which method you choose, a playful approach is recommended at the beginning, where you don't put yourself under pressure: set yourself a realistic amount of time that can be easily integrated into your everyday life and that doesn't demand too much of you at the beginning. Because meditation is also something that has to be learned! Sometimes your thoughts just won't calm down and sometimes you're distracted by physical fatigue after just a few minutes - but don't let that put you off meditating... Almost every meditator knows this experience and many books and articles have been written about it, but it's definitely worth "sticking with it" and continuing to build and develop your meditation practice with joy.

Meditation is quality time for yourself, and once you get used to a regular meditation practice, you will hardly want to miss it because it is so good for you. Even if you don't notice spectacular progress straight away during the practice, you will probably quickly notice that thanks to meditation you go through life more calmly and stronger overall.

From a practical point of view, the YOGISHOP offers you numerous aids that support you in meditation and can make sitting for longer periods of time easy and pleasant. The YOGISHOP also has suggestions, impulses and inspiration for meditation for you, because sometimes these are the decisive factors in having a completely new meditation experience. For such inspiration, for example in the form of posters, take a look at our accessories section and discover music CDs specifically for meditation, because of course it is also possible to meditate to music.

Meditation accessories at a glance

Basically, you can meditate anytime and anywhere, but you primarily need yourself. However, certain aids and tools can support you and provide you with particularly good conditions for meditation. The following products and tools, which you can get here in the YOGISHOP, have proven to be particularly helpful and useful for meditation:

  • Meditation cushions, meditation chairs, meditation benches or meditation stools: A good sitting posture with an upright spine promotes meditation. In order to be able to maintain such a posture over a longer period of time, an appropriately designed seat pad is useful.
  • Meditation timers, meditation clocks: So that you can really forget about time during meditation - set a timer and you can stop thinking about time during meditation right from the start!
  • Meditation shawls, meditation blankets: In addition to a quiet, undisturbed place, one simple prerequisite should be guaranteed so that you can devote yourself completely to meditation: You should be well warmed so that you do not get cold during meditation. Cozy blankets, shawls and scarves ensure this. At the same time, they also give you a feeling of security.

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