Yoga Aktuell 17/02

SKU: 100117

Yoga Aktuell, the magazine for yoga and spirituality. New every two months with top topics.


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Breath Basics -
A master from the Himalayan yogi tradition speaks up: "Do you even know the basics of proper breathing?" Here they are again for your perusal. From Swami Veda Bharati. How do you finally stop suffering? - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Master Patanjali unerringly trace the sources of human suffering and give us plenty of clues to overcome them. Interview: Revolution from Silence - We met Indian Master Sadhguru Jaggy Vasudev and out came an inspiring conversation about the "addiction to individualism", "non-knowledge" and "undercover yogis". Inteview with Pyar Troll - Being at peace with what is - She is said to be enlightened. Pyar Troll- an unusual woman who has unusual things to say and who, despite being in "spiritual feel-good land", has both feet firmly on the ground. An interview by Doris Iding. Cosmic Amnesia - Why most people have lost their memory and don't even realise it. By Prem Prakash. What great yogis thought about the Buddha - Whether Ramana Maharshi, Yogananda or Aurobindo - they all appreciated the Buddha and his teaching. It is all the more incomprehensible that there still seems to be a great divide between Buddhists and Hindus. By Wilfried Huchzermeyer. Asana Workshop - Parsvottanasana - Intensive Stretching of the Flanks. By Rita Keller. Breathing & Asanas - Often more emphasis is placed on the technical execution of the asanas than on the breath. Learn to consciously connect your breath with the asanas. Mantra practice - Lumen de Lumine. A Kabbalistic mantra for developing light, peace and love. By Joseph M. Levry (Gurunam). Yoga as therapy - A case study from yoga-therapeutic practice. By Elisabeth Jetschgo-Schwarz. Does Ayurveda make you happy? Interview with Dr. Balaji També - He is one of the greatest capacities in the Ayurvedic field. Yoga Aktuell talks to Dr Balaji També about the future of Ayurveda in our world and - whether Ayurveda makes you happy. I wonder what his answer is The Source of the Goddess - A journey high up in the Himalayas to the source of the holy river Ganges. By Maria Wirth.


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